The DPI State report cards measure and provide a score in four priority areas, including lagging data:
Achievement - measures proficiency in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math on the annual state assessments and uses three years of data.
Growth - measures year-over-year progress in ELA and Math achievement and uses three years of data.
On-Track to Graduation - components for On-Track to Graduation and absenteeism scores use three years of data.
Target Group Outcomes - outcomes for students in the bottom 25% of the school (or district) and use up to three years of data.
Some points of data used on the report card are from two school years before it is released, for example in November 2024 the On-Track to Graduation priority area data was from the 2022-2023 school year.
The scores from these key areas are compiled into an overall accountability score using a weighted average that takes into account the percentage of economically disadvantaged students in the school. Schools with a higher percentage of economically disadvantaged students have a greater weight given to Growth and less weight given to Achievement. Conversely, schools with a low percentage of economically disadvantaged students have a greater weight given to Achievement and less weight given to Growth. The overall accountability score is articulated as a number between 0 and 100, and it is displayed on the front page of the report card.
Please note that the overall accountability score does not reflect a “percent correct” and is not aligned with traditional 0-100 grading scales. Based on the score, a school receives one of five rating categories, from Fails to Meet Expectations to Significantly Exceeds Expectations. Each of these categories corresponds to a number of stars, from one (Fails to Meet Expectations) to five (Significantly Exceeds Expectations).
The overall accountability score is the only number on the report card that is weighted; individual priority area scores for Achievement, Growth, Target Group Outcomes and On-Track to Graduation are not separately impacted by weighting.
The Wauwatosa School District is proud to achieve an accountability rating of “Exceeds Expectations.” Report cards for schools within the Wauwatosa School District can be accessed through the report card tool on the DPI webpage.
For more detailed information about the creation and scoring for the report cards, and to learn more about the State and Federal Accountability Reporting, please visit the Department of Public Instruction's Accountability Resources page.