Summer School Coordinator
(414) 773-3201
Summer School
Wauwatosa Summer School is a great opportunity to engage your child in exciting activities or stay current in their skills with our enrichment courses; or engage in a credit course for advancement or recovery at the high school level. Summer School is operated by the Wauwatosa School District. Please note that the Wauwatosa Recreation Department also has a variety of activities in which to enroll your child for the summer months; however, the Recreation Department programs are separate from the Wauwatosa School District's Summer School programming.
Summer school sites will be open on Friday, June 20, from 8 a.m. to noon for students and families/guardians to engage in a self-guided tour of the schools to locate classrooms and become familiar with the building. The summer school offices will be open to assist you with questions during this time. Please note that Longfellow Middle School and Whitman Middle School staff is not available on this date and your concerns should be directed to the staff at East High School or West High School respectively.
Take care,
Stephen Oliver
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact Information

Stephen Oliver

Michele Cervantes
Administrative Assistant
Summer School Site Phone Numbers
East High School - (414) 773-3432
available on 6/18/25, 7:30 a.m. to noon
West High School - (414) 773-3434
available on 6/18/25, 7:30 a.m. to noon
Lincoln Elementary School - (414) 773-3433
available on 6/18/25, 7:30 a.m. to noon
McKinley Elementary School - (414) 773-3435
available on 6/18/25 , 7:30 a.m. to noon