School Board Meeting Preview - March 11, 2024

The Wauwatosa School Board will meet for its last meeting of the month on Monday, April 22, 2024. The meeting will be held at the Fisher Administration Building (12121 West North Ave.) in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. The meeting will start at 6:00 p.m. A link to join the meeting virtually via Zoom can be found here.

Immediately following the Call to Order, the Board will recognize several students for their achievements in the 2024 Sand Valley Festival, Destination Imagination, and the German Studies.

Following this recognition, the Board will allow public comment in accordance with Policy 0167.3 - Public Comment at Board Meetings. Please note that this will be the only opportunity for public comment during the meeting.

Following Public Comment, the Board will review and vote on the Consent Agenda.

Next, the Division of Human Resources will ask the Board to approve the 2024-25 School Year Staffing Plan, the Non-Wauwatosa Education Association Staff Compensation Recommendation, and the Agreement between the Wauwatosa School District and the Wauwatosa Education Association.

Following this, the Division of Pupil + Family Supports will present the Edmentum Virtual Platform and Contracts to the Board.

The Board will then adjourn into an Inservice to review the Board Reorganization Process, the proposed Board Retreat, and the Superintendent Evaluation, Timeline, and Process.

Following the Inservice, the Board will adjourn into an Executive (Closed) Session to confer with legal counsel to consider strategy related to a lawsuit against the District brought by a School Board member, including possible settlement. The Board may reconvene in open session to take potential action on matters discussed in closed session.

Finally, the Board will adjourn.