School Board Meeting Preview

The Wauwatosa School Board will meet for its only meeting of the month on Monday, December 9, 2024. The meeting will be held at the Fisher Administration Building (12121 W. North Avenue) in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and will be followed by an Executive (Closed) Session. A link to the regular meeting live stream can be found below:

December 9, 2024

Immediately following the Call to Order, the Board will allow public comment in accordance with Policy 0167.3 - Public Comment at Board Meetings. Please note that this will be the only opportunity for public comment during the meeting.

Next, the Board will review and vote on the Consent Agenda.

Then, the Division of Finance + Operations will present the Financial Audit Report and the November Monthly Financial Report

Following this, the Division of Human Resources will ask the Board to approve the 2024-25 Administrative Contract for Patrick Krygiel as Associate Principal of Longfellow Middle School, effective August 19, 2024 for 221 days per year at an annual salary of $90,000.

Next, the Division of Academic Performance will present a School Report Card Update.

Then, the Division of Pupil + Family Supports will ask the Board to take action to Appoint an Expulsion Hearing Panel & Alternative Board Member for the Second Semester of the 2024-2025 School Year.

Following this, the Policy Committee will bring the following policies to the Board as second readings and/or for action to approve:

  1. 2221 - Special Observance Days

  2. 2230 - Articulated Curriculum

  3. 2270 - Religion in the Curriculum

The Policy Committee will also bring the following policies to the Board as first readings. These policies will be brought back as action items at a future Board meeting.

  1. 2420 - Education for Employment

  2. 2421 - Work Experience for Students (DS)

  3. 2421.01 - Students as Trainees

  4. 2430 - District-Sponsored Clubs and Activities

  5. 2430.01 - Special Programs by Community Volunteers

  6. 2440 - Summer or Interim Session School

  7. 2450 - Community and Adult Education

  8. 2510 - Adoption of Textbooks/Primary Curricular Resources

  9. 2521 - Selection of Instructional Materials and Equipment/Supplemental Curricular Resources

  10. 2522 - Library Media Centers

  11. 2531 - Copyrighted Works

  12. 2605 - Academic Program Accountability and Evaluation (DS)

  13. 2623 - Student Assessment

  14. 2700.01 - School Performance and State Accountability Report Cards

Following this, the Board will take action to Designate a School Board Delegate to the Wisconsin State Education Convention (January 2025), Appoint Eric Jessup-Anger to the Legislative Advocacy Committee, and Appoint Jason Wautier to the Finance + Resource Committee.

Next, the Board will adjourn into an Executive (Closed) Session to discuss the Superintendent’s performance evaluation.

Finally, the Board will adjourn.

For information about the School Board’s membership, meetings, committees and more, visit