Facility Rental
Renting a School Facility
The school board may rent school facilities to responsible organizations for civic, educational, cultural, religious, political or recreational meetings at which admission may or may not be charged. Such usage will be granted only upon payment of the approved fee, demonstration of insurance coverage and upon the execution of an approved agreement from outlining the following conditions:
A. Organizations applying for such usage must clearly outline on the designated and approved agreement form the membership and purpose of the organization, the type of meeting desired, and the purposes to which the net proceeds of such usage will be devoted.
B. The designee(s) of the superintendent of schools is authorized to grant usage where statements made in the application and agreement clearly meet the intent and purposes of this policy and where the proceeds are to be used for community purposes.
C. Such usage may be scheduled subject to availability and shall not be allowed to interfere with or circumvent the orderly conduct of curricular, extra-curricular or recreation use.
D. There shall be no Sunday use of school facilities for any purpose by community groups. Permits can be issued for activities after 12 p.m. on Sundays for outdoor facilities.
(From School Board Policy #7510)
Rental of other facilities in Wauwatosa:
For information on facilities at Hart Park, call (414) 471-8420.
For information on facilities located in other parks call Milwaukee County Parks (414) 257-4501.
Contact Information
For rental of a gym or other school space
complete ONLINE FORM to submit request
submit completed Rental Application
(Fillable PDF document)
Email to: scheduler@wauwatosa.k12.wi.us
For additional questions or information please contact
Wauwatosa Recreation Department
Phone: (414) 773-2913
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